Trang thông tin điện tử tổng hợp

Free-zone sol

Product information

Although existing quaternary ammonium show drops in efficacy in the presence of various factors such as temperature, pH, hard water, and organic matters. FREE ZONE, an improved quaternary ammonium, is not affected by those factors. It is a wide spectrum multipurpose disinfectant effective against bacteria, viruses, protozoa, and fungi.

ㆍDisinfection of barn, henhouse, milking instrument, hatching instrument and other instrument. 

ㆍDisinfection of animal superficies and udder. 

ㆍDisinfection of egg. 

ㆍDisinfection of wound and operation lesion.

ㆍDisinfection of drinking water.


Each L contains 

Didecyldimethyl Ammonium Chloride..........................100g

Manual instruction

ㆍDisinfection of barn, henhouse, animal superficies, milking instrument, hatching instrument : Dilute 5~20mL of FREE ZONE solution per 10L clean water. 

ㆍDisinfection of udders and teats : Dilute 5~10mL of FREE ZONE solution per 10L of clean water. 

ㆍDisinfection of egg : Dilute 5~20mL of FREE ZONE solution per 10L of clean water. 

ㆍDisinfection of instrument : Dilute 10~20mL of FREE ZONE solution per 10L of clean water. 

ㆍDisinfection of wound and operation lesion : Dilute 5~25mL of FREE ZONE solution per 10L of clean water. 

ㆍDisinfection of drinking water : Dilute 1.5mL of FREE ZONE solution per 10L of drinking water.

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